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Jobs Connect USA Unique Features:

No Cost to the School Districts:

Yes, there’s NO financial obligation from the school district. Most Teacher Recruitment agencies, especially in the east coast charges the school districts with Visa Sponsorship fees, Embassy fees, and Placement fees. With Jobs Connect USA, you don’t have to worry about any of these fees.

We take care of everything for you, including:

  1. J-1 Visa Sponsorship processing fees

  2. The Annual renewal fee for J-1 Visas

  3. U.S. Embassy fees

  4. Placement fees

  5. State Teacher Licensing fees

  6. Credential Evaluation fees

  7. Housing and Transportation assistance for JCU Teachers

  8. 24/7 Support for our Teachers and School Districts

  9. Professional Development Training for the Teachers

Rigorous Screening Process:

JCU Teachers are synonymous with exemplary teachers. This is due to our stringent screening process. Our team uses a rigorous and consistent screening and interview process to assess each teacher. In addition, each teacher must meet the stringent requirements of the U.S. Department of State to obtain a J-1 Visa. Careful attention is paid to assessing our teachers’ ability to perform in the classroom and adapt to a new culture.

This is an overview of our screening process:

  1. iTEP English Proficiency Exam

  2. Video Teaching Demonstration

  3. Criminal Background Check

  4. Teaching Experience

  5. Instructional and Behavioral Interviews

  6. Cultural Adaptiveness

  7. Highly Qualified Teachers that meet the State's Licensure Requirements


  • iTEP English Proficiency Exam. Having good communication skills and command of the English language is a requirement for every JCU teacher. Having the ability to communicate proficiently with their colleagues, students, and principals without getting lost in translation is one of the skills we look for in an international teacher. One way of gauging this skill is through a standardized English exam like iTEP, which measures both written and spoken English. Schools will have access to our teacher’s iTEP exam scores.

  • Video Teaching Demo. Having great classroom management and teaching strategies are important skills we look for in an international teacher. We believe that effective classroom management paves the way for the teacher to engage the students in learning. A disorganized classroom without routines and expectations makes it difficult for the teacher to do her job. Classroom management strategies help create an organized classroom environment that's conducive to teaching. Fostering and improving your students' learning strategies is important for them in order to learn successfully. Schools will have access to these video teaching demos.

  • Criminal Background Check. Background checks are an integral part of our hiring process. By screening a candidate through a comprehensive background check process, school districts increase the chances of preventing negligent hiring lawsuits and provide a safer work environment for their students and colleagues. Background checks will be available for the school districts prior to the interview.

  • Teaching Experience. One of the eligibility requirements for the J-1 Visa Exchange Program for teachers is to have at least a minimum of 2 years of “full-time” classroom teaching experience. Based on a review of 30 studies published within the last 15 years that meet rigorous methodological criteria in analyzing the effect of teaching experience on student outcomes in the United States, we find that Teaching experience is positively associated with student achievement gains throughout a teacher's career. As teachers gain experience, their students are more likely to do better on other measures of success beyond test scores, such as school attendance. This is why we prefer teachers in our diverse roster to have at least 3 or more years of teaching experience.

  • Instructional and Behavioral Interviews. Behavioral Based Interviews (BBI) is a reliable way to assess a candidate’s ability to articulate teaching skills and describe past performance. This is also a good alternative for schools to have access to gauge the teacher’s ability to teach inside the classroom if they have no way of watching the teacher in a live classroom scenario. The results of the BBI will also be available for our school districts when vetting for the teacher/s.

  • Cultural Adaptiveness. Flexibility in teaching is an important factor for student success, particularly for the success of all students, regardless of learning style. As stewards of learning, educators have the power to reach students on many different levels and to understand differences in learning styles, cultural backgrounds, and student intelligence. Good teachers are never rigid; they are willing to change in order to make learning an adaptive and effective experience.

  • Highly Qualified Teachers. One of the most important factors in raising student achievement is a highly qualified teacher. Research shows that teacher subject-matter knowledge is greatly associated with student learning. In this era of high standards and high expectations, having a highly qualified teacher has never been more important.






We value both the school districts and teachers. This is why we are here for both of you every step of the way! Great teachers help create great students. In fact, research shows that an inspiring and informed teacher is the most important school-related factor influencing student achievement, so it is critical to pay close attention to how we train and support both our beloved educators and schools. We are just an email or phone call away from both of you 24/7!


  1. J1 Visa and Legal Assistance

  2. JCU Orientation and District Onboarding

  3. Housing and Relocation Assistance

  4. Assistance with obtaining Social Security Number

  5. Assistance with opening a Bank Account

  6. Continuing Professional Development

  7. Travel to the USA (picked up in the Airport by our Meet and Greet Team)



"Many of the schools we work with are brand new to hosting international educators this is why we go out of our way to prepare every school with the tools they need to host the teacher and provide an authentic cultural exchange to their students".


Who said you can’t have fun while doing business? Come with us and experience the world-famous Filipino hospitality while you interview our JCU teachers. Enjoy the smiles, the food, Filipino culture, and our world-class beaches in the Philippines, all expenses paid for by JCU while you find the superstar teacher for your school!

Ready to find your JCU Teacher? Connect with us now!

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